Monday, April 25, 2011


What a beautiful and busy Easter Sunday! We woke early and Dave went on his scavenger hunt for hidden giant eggs around the house. We made a simple breakfast and chatted with our houseguest Stefan, before he left for San Diego. We picked up Mom and Nick on our way to Easter Service at the park. There were 5,000 people there! What a beautiful day! After church we headed back home so I could finish my deviled eggs. I didn't realize how stinky of a project that was. We headed over to my mom's around 1 and enjoyed some Cheesy Chicken (thinking of you Stephanie). Around 3:15 we loaded up in the car and headed over to the Bynum celebration where we sat out of the meal because we were too full. We got home around 6:30 and were exhausted! Puddin and I fell asleep around 7:30. We just can't party like we used to!

Easter Morning Service at the Riverwalk Amphitheatre.

Rivers holding her own parasol during her nap.

With her best baby friend Audrey.

A little angel in her dress made by Oma.

I could smooch those cheeks all day.
Hanging out with Uncle Dude.

5 months!

Time is passing too quickly.
Everyday you change before my eyes.
What a big month this was.
You rolled over! You did it several times within a week and haven't done it again. I think you feel like you've already mastered that trick and now you're over it.
You are giggling! I don't know how to describe the sound but it is pretty deep and sounds like you're trying to cough out a hairball - but it is the sweetest sound I've ever heard.
You still REALLY love your feet and you stick them in your mouth every chance you get.
You went on your first airplane ride to Washington D.C. and were such an angel the whole trip.
We could not have timed it more perfectly because just two days after we got back you started to really struggle with your first tooth.
After a long week, it finally made its way to the surface. 
About two weeks later, it's neighbor came to party but you didn't have as hard a time with it.
You are STILL not sleeping well at night. In fact, I think it got worse. (As I'm writing this a little late we have since started to let you cry in the night rather than get up with you and after only a week you are already sleeping through the night again - either that or I have become really good at tuning you out. Whoopsies)
You have started to go to daycare on Wednesdays because Momma is too busy at work and had to pick up another day.
When she drove away after leaving you with a stranger for the first time it felt like someone was ripping her heart out. She had a pretty bad panic attack and had to call Daddy to calm her down.
You seem to really love the daycare ladies which makes Momma happy.
You are spitting up less and drooling less so sometimes Momma lets you go without a bib so your cute clothes aren't covered.
You went to your first wedding! The music was so loud and you weren't really feeling the protective earmuffs we had for you, so we left at 8:30 and went back to the hotel to have FST (Family Snuggle Time)
I prefer FST to most anything these days.
You think dogs are hilarious and laugh at them more than anything else. Maybe that's because Ralpherson and Bleuie are pretty funny looking dogs.
Mr. Leonard E. Font is your favorite toy and you like to chew on his trunk. (Isn't your daddy clever, L.E.Font)
You are the best. We love you so!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Worst Fear Confirmed

Sometimes I take Puddin Pop to work with me. This is what we look like should you be standing in the doorway to my office. Sometimes I can't take Puddin Pop to work. On these days she stays with her Grandma Moggy or her Oma. On those particular days I am forced to pump at work since I have no little vulture with me. I am always careful to warn the girls I am unavailable for the time being and I even put a sign on my door that doesn't lock. happened.
One of the older maintenance guys, not paying much attention to my sign, opened the door during the most oppportune of times. I instinctually crouched down (pumps in hand) and just looked at him while saying very eloquently "No no no no no no no no no". It was like slow motion as it registered in his brain and then he said "Oooo sorry" and shut the door. The damage was done. My vanity is lost. Isn't it humiliating enough that I have to walk out of my office twice a day with a bag full of white liquid and stand in the common area to carefully cleanse and dry my lady liquid drainers?
You should see the size of my new sign. Let's hope nobody misses it.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Puddin Pop Goes to Washington

       We are fresh off the plane from our first out of state adventure with Miss Puddin Pop. I might have mentioned that we have been blessed with a very easy baby but that didn't completely dispel the anxiety I felt before we left on our first cross country trip with the little darling. My fears were unfounded and she was truly the most pleasant travel companion of the bunch of us. She was definitely much more well behaved than her mother when we were mid park and the skies opened up on us with a downpour and heavy winds. I pouted my whole way to the metro stop, which was a far walk, and complained that it was the coldest I had ever been. The puddin pop? She just hung out in her moby wrap that was currently around her dad just taking everything in. I had packed virtually everything that currently fits her body as she is known to destroy her outfits from one end or the other sometimes every hour on the hour. At home we would generally have to change her bib every 30 minutes to an hour because it was incessant. In DC? Only a few drops here and there but for the most part we had bibs that lasted us all day and outfits too! It was so easy and fun to have her there. What other 4.5 month old baby can say that have been on top of the Capitol of our nation and looked out over all of Washington DC?  Or dined in the Members Only dining room in the Capitol with the Majority Whip? Or met Barney Frank? Ok...starting to sound a little boastful.